Facebook goes Personality Unplugged®?! (US)

Durchblicken in Zeiten digitaler Transformation

Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

a short while ago I´ve addressed VW CEO Matthias Müller proposing my innovative approach of Personality Unplugged  for corporate use. Personality Unplugged® is essentially meant to set free unconventional new and different solutions for both personal and corporate development. And, in the case of VW it would help to regain trust and credibility. This is highly needed for the corporation, the brand and last but not least for the employees.

Personality Unplugged® is a shamanic inspired concept honing expedient coaching by spontaneous chanting. For nearly 20 years, my DreamGuidance coaching-concept provides the framework for an integrative approach to personal and corporate development. The invention of wings that allow unknown mindsets and behavior can happen when cognition and intuition are linked in this synthesis of orient and occident.

VW is one of the Global Players and the crisis and its impacts are of global interest so that the implementation of an inspiring change process based on DreamGuidance and Personality Unplugged®  would – supported by social media communication – resonate across the world. If this is to happen, Facebook will surely play a leading role.

Marc, I would love to explore ways and means together with you for a closer cooperation, i.e.:
a) to consider that and how Personality Unplugged® provides a most innovative way to cope with all kinds of crises
b) to evaluate the possibilities on how PPersonality Unplugged® could inspire the corporation Facebook Inc., for whatever the Ether is willing to help us manifest in the world or call into existence.

Taking into account what your surname Zuckerberg implies – this is a sweet temptation, so much is certain.
I imagine ourselves sitting in a café of your choice discussing this and that in a way that opens up new horizons and inspires our joint search to contribute to the betterment of the world.

Kind regards,

Birgitt E. Morrien

My book according: „Personality Unplugged®: Das Mindset für turbulente Zeiten“ ((E-Book – Download kostenlos – PDF)


For more information contact:

COP – Coaching, Organisation & PR
Birgitt E. Morrien, M.Sc./USA
Senior Business Coach DBVC

Krüthstr. 27
D-50733 Köln

Fon: +49 221 739 32 62
E-Mail: contact@cop-morrien.de

Homepage: http://www.cop-morrien.de
Weblog: http://www.coaching-blogger.de

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